Henri Rousseau was a French Post Impressionist painter with an interesting life story and a body of art work that I hope you will find exciting! Talking about an inspiring story. This guy spent most of his adult life working as a toll booth collector; a toll booth collector turned artist! The art critiques did not approve him at first. But he did not give up on painting what he was most attracted to. The JUNGLE.
Resources to learn about Henri Rousseau: 1. A look at his painting without narration: https://youtu.be/XsCrvTPtcM4 2. art history chapter https://youtu.be/9RgZCZPBU8Q 3. His painting animated https://youtu.be/vWQpZiiN4H 4. A book read a loud about Henri Roussou https://youtu.be/iTnZhFL3m5g 5. A time lapse of an artist painting a big jungle scene. Notice how he starts from the Foreground https://youtu.be/HfGAcXSwDlc
White paper
Pencil and eraser
Fine line marker like sharpie
Colored pencils or markers
Print these reference photos:
Instructions: 1. After watching some videos from the resources above, decide on your paper orientation. 2. Draw a narrow frame (It helps by getting you the feel that you are like a photographer, "taking a picture" out of the landscape or scene in front of you. 3. Start with the Foreground. The foreground is were the closest elements are. Choose a plant or a tree to start with. you may repeat it but try to vary the size and appearance. 4. Add your animal/s. Make sure to "hide" them between the plants.
5. then continue and add more details. Remember: whatever is further behind should get a bit smaller and will be hidden partially by the plants that are in the foreground. It should NOT be much higher in the paper. Look at these two examples:
6. If you are happy with your pencil lines and have a very fine line sharpie or other marker at home, go a head and trace these lines with black marker. 7. Color your plants and animals. Try to use "neighboring" colors and to blend colors to produce more natural appearance.
Please send me your work and your work in progress as well! I would like to post everyone's work and learn together.